Tuesday, September 30, 2014

10 Properties And Benefits Of Star Fruit For Health And Beauty

The benefits of Carambola Fruit - Fruit starfruit is one type of fruit that have properties and benefits very much. Benefits can include star fruit in terms of health and beauty. Fruit that has a green and yellow color and has a slightly sour taste turns sweet mix contains many substances, vitamins and minerals and fluids that function in maintaining the stability of the human body.
If you have a star fruit tree in the house, and often consume this fruit, but you do not understand what are the benefits in terms of health and kecantiakan hence in this paper we will membagikanya the friend of all.

 Here are 10 benefits and efficacy of star fruit for health and beauty:

1 . Star fruit mengadung some vitamins which gives the effect of shrinking pores on the skin of humans . Vitamins contained in fruits are Vitamin C and VitaminA. Vitamins C and A will give effect to the skin freshness and rejuvenation of aging skin .
2 . Keeping the immune system , star fruit found in many liquid ions act as a substitute for the missing body after activity
3 . Prevent the occurrence of cancer
4 . Overcoming lack of appetite , star fruit is rich in viatmin A and retinol which functions in stimulating appetite in humans
5 . Treating Hypertension disease
6 . Reducing sugar levels in the body , especially for people with diabetes , it is recommended to consume plenty of fruit Starfruit
7 . Freshen breath and heal canker sores
8 . Digestive system because it contains a lot of liquid in the leatherback
9 . Reduce heat in the body , for those of you who suffer from hay fever may be the star fruit as a natural remedy for fever quickly .
10 . Treating blackheads and pimples on the skin .

Smart Tips To Make Child Independent

Smart Tips To Make Child Independent

Independent attitude needs to be instilled in children as early as possible. If the child is independent, it is certainly going to make the child feel more confident and good at doing a lot of things. Only, one problem that many parents face when teaching self-reliance in children that patience. Most parents often have little patience with the child to be independent. The limited ability of children to make the parents without regaining consciousness helps children to do things. Eventually the child becomes accustomed to 'served' and become dependent on his parents.

Basically, a parent can teach a child how to do everything on his own and independently do things easy in life. No need to rush to expect children to be able to flash turned into a independent child. Because everything is in need of process and a long struggle.
Well, here are some ways that can be applied by parents in educating their children to become independent person begins to perform his daily habits.

1 Teach Children To Establishing Goods In His place

The first thing to teach self-reliance in children can you do with teaching children to put back everything he took to be returned to its place. For example, tidy up and put back in the cupboard of books he has read. Do not allow children to leave the books scattered and reassembled. Well, for that it is better if you provide a small bookshelf that is easily accessible to children when you give a command, there is no excuse 'bookshelf that elusive' or other reasons that make children reject it. In addition, the patient at the beginning of the child may be refused orders parents, but if you are firm and patient, then sooner or later the child will understand.

2 Have Children To Familiarize Yourself merapihkan Beds

Every morning after waking up in the morning the child, ask the child to tidy up her bedroom, such as folded blankets and pillows trim. No need to linger quite 10 minutes. It is intended as an exercise for children to tidy up her own bedroom. As a first step, parents can first give an example of folded blankets and make sure if your child listened carefully and slowly ask them to tidy up his room every after use.

3 Teach Children To Eat Alone

With the passing of age, when you feel the child is able to do things yourself, then ask them to do it themselves while under the supervision of parents. No exception with problems eating and drinking. When the child is old enough and has been able to eat and drink themselves let them try to do it yourself. Once you feel they can do it themselves with good, then let them eat and drink by itself. This will teach the child to be independent in eating and drinking.

4 Prepare Before Going to School

Usually the parents will feel not bear to see her son get up early and prepare everything yourself. However, do you know if you continue to let your child wake up easily and directly confronted with breakfast without knowing his preparation when he went to school, so one day when they are away from you. This will make the children become increasingly suffer, because they've been hanging with his parents. Well, that involve children when preparing to go to school, such as wearing their own shoes and clothes that you have prepared. This way the child will know all the morning preparations before he went to school.

Now that he's a few ways that you can apply to the children to train children to become more independent. In addition to training its independence, the above methods can also build and practicing self-discipline and sense of responsibility of the child.

Know Some Psychological Disorders In Children Possible

Know Some Psychological Disorders In Children Possible

Psychological disorders was not only affects adults who incidentally are often faced with various problems and stress that can shake their psychiatric and psychological side. However, the same conditions can also be experienced by the children, which is a psychological disorder can be caused by several factors such as the trauma, genetic factors, habits, or perhaps as a result of the influence of the environment.

Well, for more details we recognize again be some kind of psychological disorder that can afflict children.

1 Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is a type of psychological disorder characterized by ketidakmampaun children to take care of themselves, difficulty communicating and an inability to distinguish the harmful and harmless. Mental retardation condition can be recognized before the child was 17 years old. Generally, the first symptom can be seen from a child's IQ level is low which usually are dibawang IQ 70 children mengindap psychological disorders mental retardation are not able to bathe themselves, feed themselves, tough talk and always in need of a companion on every activity he does.

2 Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs in children who are self-closing conditions. Such disturbances result in children experiencing limitations in terms of communication, behavior and social interaction. Until now the cause of the appearance of the syndrome of autism is not known with certainty. Some experts expressed the condition is caused by muliti factiroal, while some are also no mention as biochemical disorders. Symptoms of autism can be recognized since infancy as eg identified through the eyes focus on just one thing, which is very minimal response to impulses and not react to sound stimuli. While the children were older, usually recognizable by difficulty focusing on one thing, that is when the child does not respond when called, difficulty communicating and doing something over and over again.

3 Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychological disorders that can affect children. The main symptom of this disorder is the onset of psychological anxiety, excessive fear and anxiety in children. There are different types of anxiety disorders such as fear is not groundless or without the support of the situations where it is called a phobia. Generalized anxiety disorder which tends to make the children feel worried, anxious about excessive unrealistic, often panic is usually caused by trauma experienced by the child.

4. Asperger Syndrome

Asperger syndrome is a behavioral disorder in children that makes the child withdraws from the crowd, be a loner, not a lot of talk and do not like to play. Generally, children with Asperger's Syndrome will be happy to talk to an adult with an unusual topic. In addition, children with this syndrome show unisex keinginana to have a lot of friends, it's just that they have a tendency to get bored easily so away from their own friends they already have. This makes the children with this syndrome is difficult to find a friend to play. Children who have Asperger's syndrome can be recognized from the nature of the lack of sympathy for others, not sensitive and do not like to hang out and play.

Similarly, some types of psychological disorders that may occur in children. By knowing some of the types of psychological disorders above, is expected to add to your knowledge and insight if some recognizable symptoms of psychological disorders in children, you can take action to bring the child to overcome therapy.

Identify 3 Types Learning Disorders In Children

Identify 3 Types Learning Disorders In Children

Problems often encountered learning disorders in children. This problem can arise where both school and outside of school. Children who have learning disorders, will usually tend to experience concentration problems or concentration, impaired reading, writing, arithmetic, and so forth. But one thing we need to remember well that children who have a learning disorder is not characterized as a nuisance disease, but they only have problems in the learning process.

Impact experienced by children who have learning disorders, not only in the growth process, but also have an impact on the child sosilasasi and interaction with the environment. Condition of harmony in the family can sometimes also be disrupted. Disputes and blame between both parents, feeling frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, angry or even deny what happened to them.
Well, to know more clear about the types of learning disorders that may occur in children, then see explanation below

1 Expresive Language Disorder

Or the so-called speech impairment arises when a child should make verbal communication and even sign language. In this condition, perilakuk or setback speaking children do not reflect their value when they make normal writing ability. In children with speech impairment they will show symptoms such as diantanya delays in speech, is difficult to memorize and remember new words, minimal vocabulary in speaking, give often make mistakes in words and sentences, it is difficult to speak fluently with other people, simply can construct a sentence that simple as well as the ability to speak more than children moved at age laban. An expert explains the conditions of these limitations associated with the nervous system and can also be caused by medical conditions as a result of trauma or child clash head section.

2 Diseleksia

Diseleksia a reading disorder which is a condition of learning disabilities in children caused by difficulty reading and writing activities. However, in this condition the child is not impaired or limited other aspects. Diseleksia can occur as a result of biochemical or condition can also be triggered as heredity passed down by his parents. Physically diseleksia patients showed no complaints or signs. Patients diseleksia not limited to difficulty reading, writing and arrange words and sentences in reverse but also in a wide berbabagai order, either written or phrases that made ​​the order to be reversed right to left and the other forms. So that the patient is often deemed diseleksia concentration in some respects.

3 Mathematics Disorder

Disorders that also attacks the nervous system is characterized by the inability of a child to count, the placement figures are often distorted, dizzy and often angry when solving math problems or other subjects related to the calculation. In addition, patients tend to require explanation disorder mathematic calculations repeatedly that they DAPT understand what they do. However, children can still be introduced with numeracy lesson though adaptation will experience and understand the material with a longer time.

That she was some kind of learning disorder that may occur in children. By knowing some kind of disturbance above, parents should be able to recognize if one of the symptoms seen in children, and immediately take the child to retrace therapy, in order to be able to overcome their limitations.

Tips to Overcome Phlegm in Infants

Tips to Overcome Phlegm in Infants

Not bear the respiratory tract as well as the baby becomes choked up, in addition to disrupting voice also makes it nyaman.Bagi adults may be very easy to remove it but for a baby is very difficult to remove it yourself. You do not need to panic, you can find the right way to remove phlegm on your baby.

Sputum or other known as the slam can make your baby uncomfortable throat, blocking breathing, swallowing interfere while breastfeeding so that your baby is often fussy. Changes in the health of newborns especially those related to health problems that cause discomfort often accompanied by cough with phlegm. Productive cough can be caused by several conditions such as coughs, colds, flu caused by viruses, bacteria or allergy.
Before you remove phlegm, you can help your baby to thin the phlegm so easy to be disposed of in the baby's body.
Steps can be taken to dilute sputum namely:

     You can invite your baby after the bath in the morning to get some sunshine (at 06:30 to 7:00 pm) for approximately 10-15 minutes. To make your baby warm
     You can give a smear of oil or balm telon special baby so the baby's chest to feel warm, especially at night.
     Provide a basin of warm water and then give a little eucalyptus oil and place it near the baby so that the air inhaled, be careful not to put it easily affordable feared the baby would make it hurt.
     In infants who are aged 6 months or older, then you can provide additional food warm. For example, by providing a warm broth.
     Still in infants aged 6 months or older, then you you can give a simple fluid therapy in dilute phlegm and throat clearing your baby.

Meanwhile, to help remove phlegm in your baby can make the following ways:

     If the above steps have you done, to thin the phlegm so your baby tengkurapkan lap. Put one of your feet so that the higher the position of your baby then tilted his head lower. You can pat the baby's back until soft, watery sputum in infants will go down and then out of the throat.
     With enough fluids are consumed by your baby (fluid or breast milk) will assist you in removing phlegm baby through feces, when infants salivate or sneezing and vomiting.
     You can use a special tool to remove phlegm from rubber materials. When it is necessary to suck the phlegm in the mouth and nose. First you can suck up beforehand by placing the tip of the vacuum into the oral cavity.
     When removing phlegm avoid sucking mouth or nose of your baby after feeding or eating because it may cause vomiting. If your baby is vomiting and having trouble breathing then you can limit the suctioning.

That he steps you can do to aid your baby when producing sputum. Sputum is often disrupt their activities and make your baby fussy. By knowing how to remove it may be useful.

Why Babies Often Vomiting After Eating?

Why Babies Often Vomiting After Eating?

Often the child's mother complained because it is difficult to eat, to need a way to approach complementary feeding. While some parents actually made ​​a loss because the baby often vomited after eating, when your child is eating in accordance with the appropriate food portions. This is what makes you confused, especially the incident over and over again until a couple of times.

Your child vomiting can be caused by several things, viruses, bacteria to the digestive disorder. This time we will help answer your questions about babies who have received complementary foods often vomit after eating. Here is the explanation, spitter after eating.
Vomiting in Infants

Before you say that your baby is vomiting frequently, sometimes you know in advance that the baby might just spit up. Spit is issued when your baby drinks / foods after breastfeeding or get complementary feeding.
In distinguishing spit up and vomiting is difficult. Spit or in medical language is called regurgitation that occurs due to the movement of stomach contents back direction issued only in the form of liquid saliva. While vomiting is a condition in which your baby is expulsive gastric emptying and generally more spurts. (Read: Why Babies Often Vomiting?)
Causes of Vomiting In Infants

Vomiting experienced by your baby has several possible diagnoses can be caused due to unhealthy condition of the body, viral or bacterial infection, which requires treatment until the disease early. Vomiting is often a sign of a baby having the disease, because there is an obstruction such as vomiting can be distinguished by the form of sprays and vomiting not only spurts but has a greenish color.
Recognize Infant Vomiting After Eating

Babies may not vomit but just spit up, which is the state in which the baby is only just remove fluid from his mouth. The reason is because your baby may satiation or meal time is too fast so baby difficulty in swallowing. Whereas when the baby frequently (more than 3 times) in the state finished eating and then throwing up a good idea to consult a physician to see his condition. To avoid gastric ulcer disease or Granitis or food poisoning commonly occurs 1-8 hours after eating.
How to Stop Vomiting In Infants

In general, there is no way to stop the vomiting but can minimize the amount. Overly full stomach reflux can be so for babies who are introduced to complementary foods should be given in the amount / small portions first. After the meal you can make your child's first burp so as to reduce vomiting.
You do not need to worry because with age then your child will reduce vomiting because conditions have been able to receive more food.

Thus for those of you who often experience the condition of children who vomited after every meal you should recognize other symptoms to avoid serious health problems in your child, the doctor can help you to provide a diagnosis.

Career Tips While Giving Asi Exclusive

Career Tips While Giving Asi Exclusive

Congratulations to you now being blessed with the presence of a new family member. To continue to support the development and growth of your child give exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of your children at least 6 months. You should go back to the office after maternity leave is sometimes a real dilemma because most career women are often faced with exclusive breastfeeding and demands for re-employment.

Often constraints in exclusive breastfeeding is your occupation should share roles outside the home. Yes, being a career woman and must give exclusive breastfeeding should indeed have its own tips so that you can divide and prioritize time to continue to support optimal growth and development.

For your consideration is the breast milk is the best option than formula feeding because breast milk contains nutrients that are so perfect that it can build up and prevent the development of intelligence to various diseases.
These are tips that you can do to divide time employment and breastfeeding:

1 Perform well before you go to work

Prepare ahead of time before you go to work so that makes it familiar. You can make arrangements to provide exclusive breastfeeding while you are pregnant. Arm with knowledge and preparation for lactation during pregnancy.

2 Give exclusive breastfeeding through breastmilk

You can give breastmilk to give three hours expressing milk then insert into the plastic bottle or reservoir ASI.Ketika you will give breastmilk should you create an atmosphere that is calm when going to express milk and then wash your hands to avoid bacteria that get into the milk of dairy . When will express milk, tenmpatkan your hands in the areola with your thumb position opposite to the index finger. You can press a hand to the chest, to follow the flow of milk. Rotate slowly using fingers so that the mammary gland can be depressed and smooth milk.

3 Identify Durability breastmilk

Basically ASI will last at room temperature for 4 hours, while if you want to store it in a little longer you can keep in a thermos refrigerator / freezer that last up to 5 days. For your convenience, when storing breastmilk provide breastmilk collection date label.

4 Schedule time expressing milk

You can express milk in the morning before leaving, then on the sidelines during the rest of your office can be flushed again. Generally, at some office supply room that makes you comfortable but if not available you can use a room that makes you relax. When you kesusuhan express milk by hand, you can use the pump. Note also sterility pumps and bottles that do not pose a threat to the health of your baby. Meanwhile, for those of you who have the time (distance closer home and office) are advised to breast feed directly in between your breaks.

Similarly, a few tips that can help you to breastfeed even though you are busy as a career woman. By giving the executive the breast milk will help in meeting the nutritional intake is maintained. Congratulations breastfeeding tumbug development executive to support your baby.

The Importance of Setting the Diet since Baby

The Importance of Setting the Diet since Baby

As a mom you may feel proud when he saw the body with a healthy baby. Give good habits in your children by providing a healthy diet. Food Combining can make your baby's body to work optimally. Why is that? There are things that must be considered with regard to the child's diet. One of them is the habit of consuming foods containing flavorings, preservatives, and dyes. Baby food which must be reviewed and must be maintained as follows:

1. homemade puree is considered better than the pure in packaging. Pure made ​​by senidri better than pure packaging, in addition to using natural ingredients, cleanliness is assured. However, providing pure packaging in children is also not wrong. Provided you ensure that the material contained in the packaging and there are no preservatives, flavors, added sugar and salt. In addition, always check the expiration date pasa food.

2 Recommend vegetables first before the fruit. Basically humans from birth are more receptive to sweet taste than the other flavors. This happens to a child if the mother introduces fruit-flavored vegetables the child will refuse to eat vegetables that tastes bland. But the mother does not need to be confused introduce vegetables or fruit first in children, just need a little trick to introduce it. For example, vegetables that tend to give a sort of sweet taste of carrots, squash, potatoes and others. If your child is older than 1 year mensiasatinya way is by way of boiled vegetables with a little sugar added. In introducing foods to your baby need to be extra patient, because babies need 15-20 times until he could try new foods.

3 Wait for 1 year old baby stepping to provide egg, fish and peanut butter. Food is often said to be the biggest trigger food allergic infants. However, one study says no evidence of impaired if the family does not have a history of food allergy. But it must still be adjusted with the ability of the digestive system in children. Eggs can be given to children
8 months old, and even then only the egg yolk alone. At the same age the child can also consume fish such as salmon and mackerel. While peanut butter given to children over the age of 1 year, with a thin rub it on the bread so that the child does not choke.

4. rice porridge is the first solid food given to infants. Rice porridge has always been a main food for children. This proved to be at risk of allergies and safe. It does not mean do not choose other foods. You can also mix them with broccoli, red meat with lots of nutrients.

5 Decide feeding schedule. It is very helpful for the child to know when he is hungry or full. After the baby is entering the age of 8 months was the time of the mother who determines the child's feeding schedule.

6. Recommend solid foods at 6 months. It is directly related to digestion in infants to receive other than breast milk intake. Menberikan solid foods before the age of 6 months is at risk of digestive disorders and allergies.

7 Wait 3-4 days before trying another food. Give time to adapt to the taste of food. And to know the baby's allergic reaction to food.