Thursday, January 9, 2014

Efficacy And Benefits Of a Red Dragon Fruit For Health

 Efficacy and Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit For Health Body - Dragon Fruit is a unique piece , shaped like a dragon with a leather -like dragon scales , it is also a lot of benefits . The dragon fruit originally came from Mexico , Central America , and South America , but are now widely cultivated in Asian countries such as Vietnam , the Philippines , Malaysia , Indonesia and even our country . So , what are the benefits of a red dragon fruit for health ? Well , now I will discuss at this time Ternukil blog .
Before we discuss more about its benefits , we should first discuss what the hell is in the content of this dragon fruit ? Behind the unique shape of dragon fruit , it is also saves a lot of content that is beneficial for our body . In one point there dragon fruit contains among others : Sugar Levels 13-18 brik , 90.20 % water , 11.5 g carbohydrate , 0.53 g protein , acid 0139 g , Fiber 0.71 g , 8.7 mg Phosphorus , Magnesium 60.4 mg , 134.5 mg of Calcium , Vitamin C 9.4 mg . Hemm , it also contains quite a lot of this dragon fruit ? Let us consider just the Red Dragon Fruit Benefits For Body Health .

Red Dragon Fruit

1 . Caring for Skin Health
Dragon fruit has some substances that are beneficial to skin health care . Vitamin C is in dragon fruit can refresh our body skin conditions . The trick is to take 1 dragon fruit and peel the skin , then blend until smooth . Take the juice of water and rubbed on the skin of our body , the rest can be drunk as juice .

2 . Inhibiting Aging
Such as kiwi fruit and watermelon , dragon fruit also contains antioxidants which can prevent premature aging . The content contained on dragon fruit can protect our body from toxins or pollutants . For those reasons, dragon fruit is also beneficial for treating skin naturally .

3 . Strengthen Bones and Teeth
Other benefits dragon fruit is that it can strengthen bones and teeth . The content of phosphorus and calcium were higher in dragon fruit can strengthen bones and teeth . With frequent eating dragon fruit you can prevent a potential osteoporosis .

4 . Improving Immune
Dragon fruit contains Vitamin C which is quite high , Vitamin C serves to improve our immune system. Then it is advisable for children to consume in the future growth of this dragon fruit .

5 . Caring for Eye Health
Useful addition to Boost Immune , the benefits of dragon fruit also can take care of eye health . The content of beta- carotene which is quite high in the dragon fruit can help maintain healthy eyes . It is advisable to consume red dragon fruit for health care for your eyes .

6 . Lowering Cholesterol Levels
Red dragon fruit has a content that can lower cholesterol in the blood . Highly recommended eating dragon fruit to lower the bad cholesterol in the body .

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