Saturday, November 17, 2012

15 natural ways to prevent breast cancer

15 natural ways to prevent breast cancer

October is breast cancer Month, a time to think of a disease that many feared women. Ten years ago, experts consider that breast cancer is a disease which is not preventable. Now, researchers have been many knowing ways to prevent it, at the very least reduce the risk of developing cancer of the breast.

Actually there are 5 ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer, 2 of which were the prevention of medically and the rest is an alternative therapy.

As for the approach of medical establishments are:

1. breast cancer prevention Drug.

Women with high risk, namely that survive/survivor of breast cancer or who at least have a blood relative with cancer patients (mother or sister), can get Tamoxifen therapy, which works by means of blockade effect triggers tumors of estrogen.

2. Mastectomy before cancer strikes.

For women from families with a genetic risk is very high, there is a mastectomy for breast cancer prevention. It is a radical approach, but most successfully. This mastectomy of breast tissue, but not entirely, so that the possibility of the occurrence of the cancer is still there.

Whereas the prevention of naturally include:

1. work out on a regular basis.

Research shows that in line with the menigkatnya activity, then the risk of breast cancer would be reduced. Work out will menurukan estrogen levels produced by the body so as to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

2. reduce fat.

You certainly already often hear opposition opinion regarding the relationship between breast cancer with fatty foods. Some research suggests that low-fat diets help prevent breast cancer. Other research shows that there is no relationship between FAT and breast cancer ... A recent study suggests that the more important is the type of fat rather than total fat consumed.

The type of fat that triggers breast cancer is saturated fats in meats, butter, food containing milk full cream (whole-milk dairy foods) and fatty acids in margarine.

While the type of fat that helps prevent breast cancer is not fat-saturated in olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids in salmon and other cold water fish.

Saturated fats in meat and dairy products and fatty acids in margarine increased estrogen levels in the blood, while the fat is saturated in olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids in fish do not lead to an increase in estrogen levels in the blood.

3. When you consume meat, cooked not too ripe.

Regardless of the saturated fat contained in meat, the way you cook meat will affect the risk of breast cancer. Meats were cooked/baked produce carcinogenic compounds (heterocyclic amines). The longer it is cooked, the more these compounds are formed. Heterocyclic amines are mostly found in the outer layer of grilled meat (skin) charred and black.

4. eat more fruits and vegetables.

The more fruits and vegetables are eaten, the more reduced the risks for all cancers, including breast cancer.

Food from plants contain anti-oxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which can prevent cell damage that could be the cause of the occurrence of cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends to consume fruits and vegetables at least five times a day. But to avoid fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fat, such as French fries or banana with cream pie.

5. Taking anti-oxidant supplements.

Supplements cannot replace fruits and vegetables, but it is an anti-oxidant formula could constitute additional foods that can prevent breast cancer.

6. eat more fiber.

In addition to functioning as an anti-oxidant, fruits and vegetables also contain plenty of fiber. Fibrous foods will bind to estrogen in the digestive tract, so simply applied in the blood will decrease.

7. eat more tofu and soy-containing foods.

The foods that come from soybeans contain estrogen herbs (fito-estrogen). As well as tamoxifen, an estrogen-like compound with the body, but weaker. Fito-bound estrogen receptor on cells that are similar to the body's estrogen, and bound out of the breast cells thus reducing the effect of trigger breast cancer.

In addition to blocking the estrogen the body to reach the receptor cells, food berkedelai also accelerate the spending of estrogen from the body.

8. eat more nuts.

Besides soybeans, fito-estrogen also occurs in other types of nuts.

9. avoid alcohol.

A lot of research that shows that the more alcohol consumed, the risk of breast cancer is growing because Alcohol increases estrogen levels in the blood.

10. watch your weight.

Every pound of weight gain after the age of 18 years will increase the risk of breast cancer. This is because in line with increasing body fat, then estrogen levels as the hormone triggers breast cancer in darahpun will increase.

11. avoid xeno-estrogens.

Xeno-estrogens that estrogens from outside the body.

Women taking estrogens from outside the body is mainly derived from hormone residues of oestrogenic contained in meat and residues of oestrogenic pesitisida. Allegedly xeno-estrogen can increase blood levels of estrogen so that adds to the risk of breast cancer.

The best way to avoid the xeno-estrogens is to reduce consumption of meat, poultry (chicken-duck) and dairy products (whole-milk dairy product).

But you don't have to worry about with a lot of eating fruit and vegetables, because the effect of anti-oxidants and the content of the fibers more than residual effects pestisidanya.

12. under the Sun's rays.

Increasing numbers of Genesis skin cancer (Melanoma maligna cases) makes us fear of the Sun. But a little sunlight can help prevent breast cancer, because at the time of the Sun on the skin, the body makes vitamin d. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium breast tissue so as to reduce the risk of breast cancer. In order to obtain sunlight for 20 minutes/day, it is recommended to walk under the Sun's rays during the day or evening. But if you want to get calcium or vitamin D from sunlight, you can try taking food supplements.

13. do not smoke.

Cigarette smoking increases the risk of breast cancer.

14. breast feeding/give BREAST MILK to your child

For reasons still unclear, breastfeeding is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer before menopause.

15. consider again before using hormone replacement therapy (HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy).

There are several good reasons to do HRT after menopause period, which reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer 's. But HRT will increase the risk of breast cancer. Talk to your doctor and consider risks that may arise, because most of women's higher risk for suffering from heart disease, rather than breast cancer.

Lastly, another thing that can affect the risk of getting breast cancer is caused by stress.