Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sports and Body Metabolism

We've long known the word sport. Maybe we also do sports. In fact, it could be a sports activity that fills our daily activities. We also know that there is a close relationship between exercise and metabolism of our body. However, it would be nice if we know what sport? As well as how it relates to your metabolism?

In the encyclopedia Indonesia, exercise is defined as exercise carried out by one or more persons who constitute the team or group. Meanwhile, in the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (1980), sport is a participation in physical activity for fun and special activities such as hunting or in a sports game.

From the above two definitions, sport seem closely related to the motion of the body. Can be a variety of activities that involve the body. Therefore, exercise is closely linked with the body's metabolism. When exercising the body produce energy. To produce this energy there are two major energy savings deposits used are carbohydrates and fat deposits.

Our bodies have a reserve carbohydrate in an amount not much is around 0.5 kg. Deposits of carbohydrates in the form of muscle glycogen, liver glycogen and blood glucose. While the savings are limited carbohydrates, fat deposits polynomial. Fat deposits in the adipose tissue and in muscle as triacylglycerol.

There are two metabolic processes in the body during the process of energy production. Two processes are aerobic metabolism and anaerobic metabolism. Aerobic metabolism is burning the energy metabolism of fat and carbohydrate in the presence of oxygen (O). Oxygen appears through the process of respiration. Meanwhile, anaerobic metabolism is the metabolism of the Tanoa presence of oxygen (O).

The energy supplied by the aerobic energy metabolism likely available in the long term for the body. Instead, anaerobic energy metabolism likely time is short for the body. Duration of energy available to the body approximately 5-10 seconds.

Aerobic energy metabolism is a process that does not produce by-products that are cleaner when compared to anaerobic energy metabolism that produce acid laktan. Byproducts such as lactic acid that limits the effectiveness of muscle contractions that cause pain. It can be concluded that exercise greatly affects the metabolism of the body and have an impact, either positive or negative effects.

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